What Our Children and Partners Say
The study of child psychology in the first years of life opens to our eyes such wonders that no one seeing them with understanding can fail to be deeply stirred. Our work as adults does not consist in teaching, but in helping the infant's mind in it's work of development Maria Montessori
View from Governance of Childrens House Montessori Preschool: R W Law
It's evident from my visits to this unique setting and many lengthy discussions with the head, Randa William, that they are dedicated to championing the UNICEF rights of a child, ensuring that every child in their care is respected, valued, and empowered. I have seen and witnessed evidence that shows all the staff firmly believe in teaching rights to children in a positive and inclusive manner, embedding the principles of the UNICEF rights of a child into every aspect of their teaching and learning process. The impressive pioneering work that Randa has led has now been shared on the national stage where she presented at a training and informing conference focused on mainstream and special schools, inspiring other professionals and practitioners to consider the benefits of the 'rights respecting school' initiative. The remarkable achievements at Children's House have also been disseminated & discussed at an International Conference held at the University of Birmingham September 2023.
The ethos revolves around fostering positive relationships and creating an environment where children feel heard, respected, and empowered. Through active participation in decision-making processes, they encourage young children to voice their opinions, express their needs, and contribute to the education community. This not only enhances their sense of belonging but also cultivates a culture of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect.
Childrens house understands the vital role that parental engagement plays in reinforcing the rights of a child. By actively involving parents in their initiatives, they ensure a collaborative approach to nurturing children's rights both at home and in their setting. Through workshops, informational sessions, and regular communication, they empower parents to become advocates for their children's rights, fostering a supportive network that prioritises the well-being and development of every child.
Furthermore, they are committed to ensuring the sustainability of their rights-respecting ethos for the long term. By embedding these principles into their policies, curriculum, and daily practices, they lay the foundation for a lasting culture of respect, dignity, and empowerment. Through continuous reflection, evaluation, and improvement, they strive to uphold the UNICEF rights of a child and instil these values in the hearts and minds of every member of the community.
In conclusion, at Childrens House Montessori Preschool, they are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where every child's rights are recognised, respected, and upheld. Through positive teaching and learning experiences, active participation, parental engagement, and a commitment to sustainability, they empower children to become confident, compassionate, and responsible members of society, embodying the principles of the UNICEF rights of a child in their daily lives.
The Children at Children's House
Drawn independently and spontaneously by Hazel.

Dear Randa,
In finding Children's House we immediately felt that you could not only fulfil Ollie's desire for learning and exploring but also that he would be loved and cared for. What we could not have imagined though is quite how much he would grow to love the place and what an impact your teaching would have on him.
You are one of the most frequently talked about people in our house! Ollie has listened and followed the wonderful examples that have been set at school and he is now much more confident, knowledgeable and inquisitive than we could have hoped for. I really believe these formative years are essential to gain a good foundation not just for learning but importantly happiness, security and love and I know he has been given the very best start thanks to you and your wonderful team. The school is an absolute credit to your hard work and complete dedication to all the children".... (Parent )

Hi Randa,
You would have been proud of Jessica's Montessori training yesterday!
Jon and I were with my mum and step-dad, and she was deciding whose turn it would be to wear her teddy bear necklace. First, Jessica chose her Dad because she said he had been sitting "so patiently and sitting nicely." Then, to decide who would go next, she stood up in the middle of us and said we should vote. She asked who wanted to go anti-clockwise and asked them to raise their hand. Then she asked who wanted to go clockwise and asked them to raise their hand (explaining to Grandpa that he was only allowed to vote once!)
She then announced that we would be going anti-clockwise because "3 is bigger than 1", and when I asked her why we vote she said it was because this is a democracy! Haha!
Mum, Roy and Jon were all in shock that she had come out with this - I explained that this is how we make decisions at Children's House! :-)

By far the most influential positive decision I have made for my child's development so far is having them attend Children's House Montessori. My son was at Children's House for 18 months, within that time he developed into a confident, knowledgeable, independent young child, who understands UNICEF values and has respect for others running through the core of his understanding. The staff and principal at Children's House are the loveliest pre-school teachers I have met. They are kind, supportive and develop a curriculum for the child which exceeds expectations of end of year outcomes for reception year learning. I couldn't speak more highly of children's house, particularly if you wanted a traditional pre-school setting that has your child and their development centred at the core of everything they do. I will always be sincerely grateful to the principal and staff at Children's House. Claire (Parent)

Unicef Inspectors "Respect is an integral part of the school's ethos and a very positive and supportive learning environment was evident to the assessors throughout their visit. Children are nurtured to be aware of the needs of others. For example, there are sand timers to help support turn taking and mats to give pupils their own work space. Older children are also encouraged, as appropriate, to support younger children. If disagreements occur a 'peace table' is used to help resolve issues. At the peace table, children take it in turns to comment (when they are holding a toy rabbit) and through this process a resolution is found. As the headteacher explained, use of the peace table is 'always linked[ed] to the right to talk."
MEAB report "Children's House Montessori is successfully led by the highly dedicated and inspirational Head. The Head is exceptionally passionate about creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment that follows the principles of the Montessori philosophy. In addition to this, she is a strong advocate of being an accredited Unicef Rights Respecting School, a scheme that aims to empower children to understand and communicate their rights and to have strong aspirations in life. The Head is fully supported by an experienced and committed team; together they bring a wealth of attributes in providing a rich and exciting range of learning experiences. All staff members have high expectations of children and are closely attuned to each individual child's interests and development. Adults and children build trusting and respectful relationships, which creates a nursery where children are confident and independent learners with extremely high self-esteem and a positive approach towards learning. Partnership with parents is outstanding."
Ofsted "The highly experienced and ambitious manager is an inspiring leader. She works very closely with enthusiastic and well qualified staff team to maintain the high quality of practice. Children are highly respected and listened to. From the start they form extremely secure emotional attachments with nurturing staff. They offer limitless support to children and families when required. parents refer to staff as supportive, attentive and amazing!"
Our parents "all of my child's learning happens here, he is happy here and he is learning so much, thank you".
Our children - "I don't want to go home, I want to stay here".
Our children "I can't wait to get to school, I have so much I want to do".
Our staff "I love working here".
Everything I know I know because I love Tolstoy